
She's Saved in My Mind

Written by Marek Makowski

Long time it was
She gone away from me and my life
I can't forget this time
She gone away from my life
I tried to erase her from my mind
But she's still alive in my mind
Day when she say: Yes
Is like saved day, like saved time
I can't forget about her all the time
Because I'm debited in her

She's saved in my mind
But she gone away from me and my life
From time to time I look at picture, which saved that time
When she loved me, and she is
Always I can't forget her
Because I'm debited in her
And I can't change this in my mind

She's saved in my mind
And the letter from the France saved her in my mind
Something from this love is all the time
And even if my heart is hurt
I'm not with her, but she is in my mind
And even I don't have to see you, I'm still jealous about you

Even that wasn't long time with her
He taught me, and I learned that, love is not easy to erase
And that not long time is not lost in my life
But one day, I will have to pour this something on a different girl
And just forget about her
And arrange my life
Because I can't live with this for ever
She's saved in my mind

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